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I was elected to serve on the Waterford Township board as Trustee in November of 2020. Throughout my term I acted on several ordinance amendments and zoning changes for the betterment of Waterford. The goal was to take things the community wants and make it easier to obtain and put unwanted actions under more scrutiny. In addition, I supported several practical zoning changes to be consistent with the new master plan. These actions cumulatively will make a significant impact on the quality of life, economic growth and sustainability for the future. Following is a few of the most significant actions of my support.


  • Voted to amend permitted uses for Commercial Outdoor Storage. This amendment successfully blocked a multi-billion company from building a complex storage facility along prime frontage on Dixie Hwy

  • Voted to distribute ARPA funds to assist residents for subdivision road repaving and improvements offering a significant cost savings for our residents

  • Voted to distribute ARPA funds for pedestrian pathways/sidewalks

  • Voted to distribute ARPA funds to extend the Riverwalk to Drayton Plains Nature Center

  • Voted to distribute ARPA funds for a Hawk Pedestrian Crosswalk at Williams Lake Rd near Pontiac Lk Rd

  • Voted to permit Electrical Vehicle Charging Stations as principle and accessory uses in various zoning districts. This allows more access and availability for electric vehicles including homes, storefronts, etc.

  • Voted to amend the requirements for drive-thru restaurants requiring Special Approval for drive-thru service protecting abutting homes and establishments

  • Voted to allow temporary outdoor dining during the COVID epidemic which then led to permitting outdoor dining permanently in C-2 (Small Business District) with Special Approval

  • Voted to allow Food Trucks at establishments with Special Approval and Fire Department inspections

  • Voted to require Special Approval for “short-term rentals” in all residential districts preserving the quality of life for nearby homes and neighborhoods

  • Voted to remove the requirement to submit site plans for review to the planning commission resulting in quicker turn around and financial savings for businesses

  • Voted to require Special Approval & Wellhead protection for minor vehicle service facilities in C-2 Districts and for minor & general vehicle service facilities in C-3 Districts intended to help preserve the surrounding environment

  • Voted to add hire an additional code enforcement officer as well as a front desk associate

  • Spearheaded Gateway Signs initiatives from concept to completion

During my service as Trustee and dedication to adopting various changes we have seen a significant growth trend in new businesses as well as residential builds and improvements. During 2023 we set an all-time record of 92 business registrations with 70 opening in 2023 and the others in 2024.  In addition, a total of 105 new single-family homes were built – more than ever before. This growth continues to have a positive economic impact for Waterford Township including job creation, increased tax revenue, enhancing local character, protecting the environment, reduce blight and more. Waterford Township is on the road towards an even brighter future. We have a talented professional staff, outstanding resources and many like-minded leaders working for you.

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